Glad you found me. Let me start off with what this is all about. This is a blog that I will post to from time to time about the things that interest or concern me. They concern and interest ME, maybe not you, but they do me. If by some strange twist of fate they interest you also, great. We are then of a like mind. I have no filters on this blog, I say what I think and feel. If you find that my musings offend your sensibilities, then I suggest with all sincerity that you do not continue reading. If you agree with me, that's great. If you don't, and would like to tell me so and why, feel free to comment with your side of the issue. As long as you don't get personal with a person, or offend in a sexist, racist or religious way, I will post your comments so all who visit can see your side. Think of it as your little side blog if you will.
The things I will post on will be the things in my life. I hope you find my thoughts at least interesting, hopefully you find them thought provoking enough to become engaged.